Age limit/ Eligibility | : No need |
Regular Batch Duration | : Daily 2 hours (15 days). : Daily 3 hours (10 days). |
Weekend Batch Duration | : 4 hrs of every saturday & Sunday. |
Crash Courses Duration | : 3 days. (Friday, Saturday & Sunday) Time: 10am to 7pm. |
Special Batch | : Morning : 7am to 9.30am : Evening : 7pm to 9.00pm |
Registration Fees | : Rs 200 extra, 1 photo and student any id proof. |
We provide | : Certificate, Reference Book Materials, Backup Support for doubts Clearing through whatsapp, Marketing Shop Details, Circuit Diagram pdf Collections etc…, |
- What is LCD & LED TV?
- Types of LCD & LED TV-
- LCD TV – Liquid Crystal Display
- LCD –TFT TV – CCFL Backlight
- LCD – TFT – LED TV – LED Backlight
- OLED TV – Organic LED
- QLED TV – Quantum LED
- Various sizes of LCD and LED TV and its difference
- What is the difference between LCD TV & LED TV & OLED TV & QLED TV?
- How TV works?
- What are common parts of LED TV?
- LCD screen ,SMPS -Power Supply Board
- LED Backlight Driver Board
- LED Strips with LED/Lenz and etc..,
- Led TV Service Tools and Testing Equipment’s
- SMD rework station
- Flat tip soldering iron 35W
- Solder lead and paste
- Tweezers set
- IPA cleaning solution
- Magnifier Lenz
- Smps short Test bulb
- Digital multimeter
- DC power supply
- LED Backlight tester
- Universal LED driver
- Universal ccfl tester
- BIOS ROM Programmer
- LVDS cable and tester
- Capacitance Farad meter
- Led TV All Parts Replacement – Practical
- LED TV complete disassembling and assembling practical
- LED TV various parts identification
- LCD screen replacement method
- LED Light strips Replacement method
- Power supply board –SMPS
- LED Backlight DRIVER board
- Backlight LED strips
- T-con board or Panel board
- Motherboard
- Speakers
- Power switch with IR remote switch board
- Menu button board
- LVDS Video cable
- DC Power cable
Basic Electronics
- What is difference between electrical and electronics
- What is current and volt?
- What is difference between AC and DC? AC current & volt,DC current & volt
- What is unit – ampere- A,
- Volt-V, Watt-W, Ohms,Farad-F and,Hertz-Hz
- What is sine wave frequency and square wave frequency?
- What is polarity? Phase, neutral, and positive ,negative
- What is series and parallel circuit
- What is surge current, spike voltage, Over Volt and Under Volt explain
- Difference between normal electronics and SMT electronics
- What is multimeter? How use multimeter?
- LED TV Board Resistor & Fuse
- Function, checking and value measurement practical
- What are resistor and its working function?
- Types of resistor –metal oxide resistor, carbon resistor
- What is NTC and PTC Thermistor? And its checking
- What is Fuse , Fusible [Current Sense] resistor and its checking
- Types of Fuse –Glass fuse, ceramic fuse , miniature fuse and smd fuse
- Fuse power rating and testing
- Resistor colour coding and ohms value measurement practical
- What is SMD resistor?
- Difference between normal resistor and SMD resistor
- How find smd resistor value? And its checking method
- LED TV Board Capacitor
- Function, checking and value measurement practical
- What are capacitor and its working function?
- Types of polarity capacitor -electrolytic capacitor, smd tantalum capacitor
- Types of non-polarity capacitor-ceramic [CY] and Mica [cx] capacitors
- Difference between AC capacitor and DC capacitor
- Capacitor board symbol and unit –Pico Farad pF, Nano Farad nF, micro farad uF and milli farad mF
- How find capacitor Farad value? And its farad measurement method
- Capacitor Farad checking method using Farad meter
- High volt capacitor and low volt capacitor difference
- LED TV Board Inductor and Transformer
- Inductor and transformer function checking and value measurement practical
- What are inductor and its working function?
- Types of inductor –EMI coil and pot core, ferrite core
- Inductor continuity checking method
- What are transformer and its working function?
- What is primary winding and secondary winding?
- What is EMF explain?
- Types of transformer –Linear power transformer [LPS] and Switch Mode Power Transformer [SMPT]
- LED TV SMPS -Step-down transformer checking method
- Step-up transformer checking method
- LED TV Board Diode
- Diode Function, checking and value measurement practical
- What are diode and its working function?
- Types of diode –Bridge Rectifier diode, zener diode ,schottky diode,SMD diode
- What is bridge diode? and its function
- What is Zener diode? and its function
- What is Scottky diode? and its function
- Difference between normal diode and SMD diode
- Various packages of Diode-3 pin diode and 4 in diode
- Bridge diode checking method
- Scottky diode checking method
- Led TV Board Transistor
- Transistor Function, checking and value measurement practical
- What are Transistor and its working function?
- Types of Transistor-Mosfet, PNP and NPN
- Difference between P-channel Mosfet and N-channel Mosfet
- 3 pin Mosfet 6 pin Mosfet and 8 pin Mosfet pin outs and datasheet
- N channel and P channel Mosfet marking code or serial number
- N channel and P channel Mosfet Checking method
- NPN and PNP transistor checking method
- Mosfet series and parallel connectivity
Led TV Board – Integrated circuits [IC]
- What is IC?
- Fabrication Structure of IC
- Difference between Analog and Digital IC
- How work IC and its function?
- Various Packages Of IC –single side pin ic ,Double sided pin Ic,4 sided Pin IC
- QFN Lead free IC for LED Tv motherboard and t.con board
- What is IC datasheet and how to download datasheet?
- LED Tv Smps 4 pin ic [optho coupler ic ] checking method
- LED Tv Smps 6 pin ic [STR ic] checking method
- Common LED and LCD TV board ic’s name List :
- STR IC, PWM driver ic, optho coupler ic for smps board
- Led light driver ic for Led driver board
- 3 pin Regulator ic, Dc-DC Buck converter ic ,ROM bios ic and
- Sound amplifier ic for motherboard
- DC-DC Boost converter ic for Tcon board
SMPS Soldering practical
- Required Lab tools : 35 W Flat tip soldering iron with stand ,solder lead and paste
- And Tweezers set, IPA Cleaning solution, De solder wick and etc..
- Smps resistor and fuse soldering practice
- Smps DC capacitor soldering practice
- Smps AC mica and ceramic capacitor soldering practice
- Smps Bridge diode soldering practice
- Smps 2 pin diode and 3 pin sckottky diode soldering practice
- Smps 4pin optho coupler ic soldering practice
- Smps 3 pin Mosfet soldering practice
- Motherboard Components Soldering Practical
- Required Lab tools : SMD Rework station,25W or 35W Flat tip soldering iron with stand ,Micro soldering station, solder lead and paste, Tweezers set, IPA Cleaning solution, De solder wick, magnifying Lenz and etc..
- 3 pin regulator ic soldering practical by using SMD hot air blower
- 8 pin dc-dc ic soldering practical by using SMD hot air blower
- Audio amplifier ic soldering practical by using SMD hot air blower
- 8 pin Bios ROM ic soldering practical by using SMD hot air blower
- Other components soldering practice
- Tcon board Components Soldering Practical
- Required Lab tools : SMD Rework station,25W or 35W Flat tip soldering iron with stand ,Micro soldering station, solder lead and paste, Tweezers set, IPA Cleaning solution, De solder wick, magnifying Lenz and etc..
- DC-DC Boost converter ic soldering practice by using SMD hot air blower
- Tcon control ic soldering practice by using SMD hot air blower
- Tcon 3 pin voltage regulator ic soldering practice by using SMD hot air blower
- SMD 2 pin diode soldering practice by using micro soldering station
- SMD brown capacitor soldering practice by using micro soldering station
- SMD fuse soldering practice by using micro soldering station
LCD & LED TV SMPS circuit troubleshooting -practical
- What is SMPS?
- Various types of LCD –LED TV SMPS Power supply
- SMPS functional block diagram
- SMPS parts name and its identification
- SMPS complete circuit diagram explanation/tracing and fault finding with troubleshooting tips
- SMPS DC output connector pin-outs
- SMPS Primary rectifier circuit tracing and fault finding
- SMPS Secondary rectifier circuit tracing and fault finding
- STR type SMPS and PWM type SMPS difference and explain
- SMPS common problem and solution
- Power Fail for LCD TV or LED TV [TV Dead condition]
- LED TV stand by light not ON
- SMPS Standby LED Blinking, then off
- SMPS Standby LED ON then OFF
- SMPS Board Voltage Checking -Practical
- How clear SMPS excess Dc current through Test bulb?
- How check SMPS primary section high DC voltage?
- How check SMPS low output DC voltage?
- LED TV LED Backlight Problem – Practical
- Common Led backlight Problems: Black Screen problem, but audio and video ok
- Dimm screen problem
- Led Blinking or Flashing problem
- Screen particular area only goes Darkness problem
- Screen Led On then Off randomly
- What is LED backlight Driver?
- How work LED Backlight Driver Circuit? And its tracing with troubleshooting method
- LED Backlight driver circuit output voltage checking method
- How Remove and Fix LED Light from LED Strips?
- How check LED light by using LED backlight tester?
- What is LED TV Motherboard? And its various Brands of motherboard parts identification [Samsung/LG/sony/Panasonic etc..,]
- LED TV Motherboard Functional Block Diagram Explain
- LED TV Motherboard IC’s List:
- Stand By Regulator IC [5V To 3V]
- IC Part Number-1084/1085/AZ1117
- CPU DC-DC buck converter IC
- RAM Regulator IC
- Rom IC
- Ram IC
- Audio Amplifier IC
Motherboard Troubleshooting – Practical
- Dc-dc IC, Rom Bios IC ,3 pin regulator IC datasheet downloading and pin out explain
- How to check motherboard standby regulator circuit with troubleshooting tips
- how to check and tracing memory and audio regulator circuit with troubleshooting tips
- LG or Samsung Led TV schematic explain
- How check and tracing LCD screen power supply circuit with troubleshooting tips
- Led TV no video signal but audio and backlight ok problem – LCD screen 8 pin power Mosfet pin outs and checking method.
Led TV Motherboard Complete Voltage Checking – Practical
- Stand by 3.3v checking for CPU and power ON switch
- Main CPU core voltage 1.25V or 1.05V checking
- Ram memory 1.5v or 1.8v checking
- Rom memory chip 3.3v checking
- Sound amplifier chip 3.3v & 12v & 5v checking
- Speaker signal voltage 2.5v checking
- USB port 5v checking
- Network chip 3v & 1.8v checking
- Lcd screen VCC power 5v or 12v checking for LVDS connector
- SECTION – 20
Led TV Motherboard Rom Flashing – Practical - Rom related common problem of Led TV
- No display problem for Lcd-Led TV
- When switch ON TV –but TV screen welcome Logo still shows[Samsung/LG or sony]
- Led TV Setting menu problems
- Led TV standby LED ON, but motherboard image are not processing
- Lcd Screen resolution problem
- Standby RED light continuously blinking
- Unknown faults
- How Flashing Rom Chip Through RT 809 Rom Programmer
Universal Motherboard Troubleshooting – Practical
- What are universal motherboard and its block diagram explain?
- Various models of universal board and its difference-U11, V56, V59 and etc..,
- Universal jumper board and compo board difference
- Universal compo motherboard troubleshooting
- LED TV service mode and Logo setup
- Various LED TV service mode number collections
LCD Panel Tcon Board Troubleshooting
- What is Tcon board and its block diagram explain
- Various Tcon board and its parts identification : Tcon control chip, Dc-Dc Boost convertor chip, Buffer ic, Tcon Vcc Regulator
- Tcon Regulator chip pin-outs and its checking
- Various Tcon board common problems and symptoms: Ghost screen, double image screen, poor colour screen, zoom picture, vertical and horizontal line or bars etc..
- Tcon board complete voltage checking practical
- Various types of LVDS cable and its explain
Led TV Doubt Clearing Class
- Previous class doubt clearing
- Soldering practical review
- LED TV voltage checking practical review
- Final exam
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